List of Governors

The Local Governing Committee oversees the strategic direction of the school and is made up as follows:

  • James Newman (Ex-officio)
  • Phil Cairns  (Chair/Co-opted Governor)
  • Wendy Thomas (Parent Governor)
  • Paul Hepburn (Parent Governor) 
  • Visham Woodchit (Co-opted Governor) 
  • Khurram Gaba (Co-opted Governor)
  • Miranda Golding (Co-opted Governor)
  • Charlotte Upfold (Co-opted Governor)
  • Prasenjit Saha (Co-opted Governor)
  • Laura Marchese (Clerk to the Governors)

Governors play an important role in the life of the school. They take a long-term strategic view of the way in which the school is developing. Their main function is to ensure that the school improves so that the highest standards possible are achieved in all aspects of school life. In many ways, a governing committee is like a board of directors of a company: they make decisions about standards, policies, funding and recruitment of senior staff. The headteacher and the staff are responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. They work hard to implement the School Improvement Plan. It is the responsibility of the governors to challenge and support the school in its ways of achieving the best for students.

Governors' duties include:

  • promoting high standards
  • setting targets for pupil achievement
  • taking general responsibility for the conduct of the school
  • managing the school's budget
  • making sure that the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, in particular that the National Curriculum and religious education are taught, and reporting on pupils' achievement in National Curriculum assessments and examination results
  • participating in the appointment of senior staff and regulating staff conduct and discipline.

If you would like any further information about the governing committee please contact Phil Cairns at the school or via email:

BET Governance and Scheme of DelegationWe now have two sub-committees: Performance Committee & Resources Committee.

Membership of these is as follows:

Performance Committee: Phil Cairns (Chair), Miranda Golding, Charlotte Upfold, Wendy Thomas, Paul Hepburn, Visham Woochit and Khurram Gaba

Resources Committee: Visham Woochit (chair), Miranda Golding, Charlotte Upfold, Phil Cairns, Wendy Thomas, Paul Hepburn, Khurram Gaba 

Designated Link Governors:

  • Phil Cairns - Environment & Sustainability, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Health & Safety SDP - Leadership & Management
  • Khurram Gaba - Pupil Premium Grant, Children Looked After (CLS) SDP - Quality of Education
  • Wendy Thomas & Paul Hepburn - Child Protection and Safeguarding
  • Vish Woochit - Careers
  • Prasenjit Saha - SEND
  • Charlotte Upfold - SDP - Behaviour & Attitudes
  • Miranda Golding - SDP - Personal Development
  • Paul Hepburn - SDP - Sixth Form Provision
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