Trips & Visits

At Epsom and Ewell High School we very much value the learning experiences that trips and visits can bring. It is important that students gain understanding in context and we encourage departments to plan trips that relate to the curriculum to enhance their knowledge of the subject.

In recent years we have undertaken trips to a variety of places in the local area as well as other parts of the UK and abroad. 

Trips already planned so far for this academic year include:

  • A variety of UK-based Geography data collection days for GCSE and A Level
  • Various Performing Arts trips including 'Leopoldstadt', 'Fame the musical', Everybody's talking about Jamie'
  • English theatre trips including Dickens 'A Christmas Carol'
  • Year 11 Kayaking at Thames Young Mariners in Richmond
  • Alternative Provision trip to The Therapy Garden
  • A/Level Philosophy & Ethics trip to Bloomsbury Baptist Church
  • Key Stage 3 Art trip to the Tate
  • Key Stage 3 History trip to the Tower of London

Letters are sent to parents regarding trips and visits well in advance to allow time for payment and planning.

Visitors to the school

Additionally, we encourage outside speakers and groups to visit the school. We have welcomed Frantic Assembly and dancers from Matthew Bourne to the school to run workshops for GCSE Dance and GCSE Drama students. A variety of science professionals have also run sessions with students to educate them on the opportunities available in the world of work.


- Sep 24
We would like to hear from all interested parties as part of our 6 week consultation on Hopescourt School - a new specialist free school (proposed location - Walton upon Thames). For further information please visit: #hopescourt
- Sep 18
We would like to hear from all interested parties as part of our 6 week consultation on Hopescourt School - a new specialist free school (proposed location - Walton upon Thames). For further information please visit: #hopescourt
- Aug 17
Huge congratulations to our A-Level Students at Epsom and Ewell High School. In a year where the national picture showed a dip in top grades being awarded, our students have once again risen to the challenge and achieved remarkable success.#EEHSPride #ALevelResults2023
- May 20
Wonderful to have some peppy Year 10s from @TCHSWoodford and @EpsomEwellHigh here today with @BrilliantClub . Very impressed by their inquisitiveness. Thanks to Lexi, Matilda and others for showing them round @brasenosejcr
- May 16
Wonderful to have some peppy Year 10s from @TCHSWoodford and @EpsomEwellHigh here today with @BrilliantClub . Very impressed by their inquisitiveness. Thanks to Lexi, Matilda and others for showing them round @brasenosejcr
- Oct 13
We are excited to meet all prospective sixth form students on Thursday 10th November. There will be an address form our headteacher, our head of sixth form and our current school leader at 6pm in the main hall.
- Sep 9
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022): Bourne Education Trust is deeply saddened at the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Our Trust community joins the millions of people around the world in mourning, while giving thanks for the…
- Aug 25
It has been a pleasure to see so many students celebrating the stellar results that they have achieved, both individually and as a year group. After so much adversity, we are delighted that the class of 2022 have the foundations to take the next steps to future success.
- Aug 18
Huge congratulations to our year 13 students on results day! You should all be incredibly proud of what you have achieved! #brightfutures
- Aug 18
Huge congratulations to our year 13 students on results day! You should all be incredibly proud of what you have achieved! #brightfutures
- Jun 16
Selected Yr 4-6 pupils were using the excellent facilities at @EpsomEwellHigh yesterday to work on speed drills in athletics and taking a base line of time for sprints to improve on, plus fielding/catching drills for our elite cricket stream.#PrimarySport#ActiveKids
- Jun 16
Y6 were filled with excitement when Mr Cole and Miss Merson from @EpsomEwellHigh visited to launch our Leavers' Art Project. They will mark their legacy at WEPS with an incredibly special installation... we will update you soon!
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