Modern Foreign Languages
Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum Vision
We provide students with the opportunity to study French, German and Spanish through a broad and stimulating curriculum of study. Our aim is to give students an insight into the three main European languages while learning the key skills – Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing - which underpin learning a language. Cultural aspects of the French, German and Spanish speaking worlds are also explored at every opportunity to enrich students’ cultural awareness and broaden their horizons. For example, we study foreign language films in Year 8 and Year 9 to accompany a unit of study. Students have also enjoyed trips to Barcelona, Cologne, Boulogne-sur-Mer and Berlin.
Students will study a term of each language in Year 7 and Year 8, later choosing one language to study in Year 9. Students can then decide whether to continue with a language at GCSE when choosing their GCSE options. Students who continue to study a language at A level cover a range of topics during the two-year course, from artistic culture to multiculturalism in society and the social issues this brings. Students will also study a foreign language film and a piece of literature.
How do we help our students ROAR?
Resilient: We challenge students to analyse and evaluate foreign languages and how they are constructed. Students are challenged to see links between languages and discover new patterns for themselves.
Open-Minded: By placing importance on cultural aspects of the language, students are challenged to broaden their horizons and understand the different traditions and cultures throughout the world.
Aspirational: We aim to give our students the opportunity to communicate with millions more people across the world. Through use of deep learning and specific F.I.T (feedback improvement time) we ask students to take a decisive role in their own progress.
Reflective: Students are often asked to reflect upon their progress throughout the key stages, as well as reflect and compare the cultures and languages throughout Europe and the world.
Year 7:
We draw upon the basic foreign language vocabulary learnt at Key Stage 2 and provide a broad curriculum when students enter in year 7. All pupils will complete a term of each language (French, German and Spanish). This gives students an insight into the three main European languages. Students areâ¯introduced to the various skills that underpin language learning, whilst increasing their linguistic knowledge across a number of topics. Opportunities for initial cultural enrichment are explored within each topic.
Implementation: Carousel example
Year 8:
Students once again complete a term of each language to continue their exposure to a broad curriculum in language learning. During year 8, a film is studied that looks into the cultural history of one of the countries where French/German/Spanish is spoken. This is incorporated into the unit of study to broaden students’ cultural horizons.
Implementation: Carousel example
Year 9:
Students opt to study one of the three languages for the entire year. Students are able to tailor their curriculum and can choose their preferred language. The curriculum in year 9 once again develops students’ linguistic knowledge and skills over a number of different topics, developing what was covered in years 7 and 8, introducing a number of key linguistic elements. An introduction to different tenses is also intended to further develop students’ linguistic skill.
Year 10:
Students begin their GCSE Modern Foreign Language courses as optional subjects. Further development of students’ vocabulary knowledge and opinion and reason skill is intended. More advanced opinions and in-depth reasons are tackled over a range of topics. A more detailed look at recognising and using different tenses is developed. Where possible the cultural history of the country continues to be explored, whether in sustained units of study or within specific topic areas.
Year 11:
Students continue to develop vocabulary knowledge through interleaving and retrieval practices. Students’ skill focus is on proficiency in using 3 tenses accurately. A large focus is placed upon exam skills, in particular, the active skills of speaking and writing.
German Year 12:
In Year 12, students build upon their existing knowledge gained at GCSE level. The course covers a wide range of topics to increase vocabulary and grammar knowledge. There is a focus on communication to improve fluency in German. Students will also study a foreign language film and a piece of literature. These pieces of literature help students to understand the cultural identity of the language they are studying. This is a skill akin to University degree programmes and has benefitted past students in their future studies.
German Year 13:
In their final year, students continue to extend their vocabulary and grammatical, and analytical skills. The course focuses on multi-culturalism and political life in Germany. Students also prepare their Independent Research Project (IRP), which forms part of their Speaking exam.
Learning journey
Course specifications
A Level specification - French